Susan G. Komen Crafting Challenge

"Hope you are all doing well. The last few days have been intense: a lot of deadlines, a lot of work to do. Blake and I are really working on “letting things go” so we don’t have quite so many trips to town or responsibilities to take care of… because.. ya’ll…. we tired. I think I have finally maxed myself out. Maybe I need some good downsizing/cleaning out the place sessions? It seems to happen every six months or so

I have taken up working out again. It means...."

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danielle alba
Oh, the blog...

Hello all,
I’ve had starting a blog for The Quilt Idaho on my to-do list for a few years now. Then covid, and kids, and jobs, and life happened.

Well, baby #2 is weaned and suddenly I have a little more time in my life. This is my attempt to do what I want to do with that time - I’m restarting the blog! Hopefully it won’t be too many years of writing to myself before it gets some kind of following.

What’s also motivated me is that after 3 years of having the retreat open, we’ve started to have some genuine relationships with some regular groups. They have been with us when we first opened, through covid, and probably most impactful, through two babies and the transition of becoming parents while trying to start a small business in the boonies….

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danielle alba